Explanation of some field values
Corresponding values of employee type (profile)
Value |
all |
im |
call |
ticket |
dial |
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
number | String | SIP account |
password | String | SIP password |
lang value range |
Value | Meaning |
zh-cn | Simplified Chinese |
en-us | American English |
Get the list of customer service representatives
This interface is used to obtain multiple customer service information at one time
Request Method
GET /agents
Request Parameters (Query String)
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Description | Limitations |
page | No | Integer | Page number, starting from 1, default is 1 | |
per_page | No | Integer | Number of items per page, default is 20, maximum is 100 | |
with_disabled | No | String | Whether to include disabled customer service representatives, default is false (does not include disabled customer service representatives) | true or false |
Returned Data
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | Execution result code, 1000 means success |
meta | Object | Pagination information, see Common Data for details |
agents | Array | List of customer service representatives, see customer service data for the description of each customer service representative |
Customer Service Data
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Unique identifier |
String | Email address | |
nick_name | String | Name |
profile | String | Employee type |
aliase | String | External nickname |
cellphone | String | Mobile phone number |
role_name | String | Role |
duty | String | Employee position |
im_ability_value | Integer | Conversation skill value |
user_group_ids | Array | List of customer service group IDs |
password | String | Call center SIP account information |
number | String | Call center SIP account information |
avatar | String | Avatar |
work_id | String | Work number |
departments | Object | Department to which it belongs, including id (department ID) and name (department name), see example for details |
agent_callout_display_number | String | Outbound display number |
disable_status | String | Status |
availability | String | Whether to receive automatic assignment of work orders |
im_welcomes | String | Welcome message |
lang | String | Language preference |
curl https://demo.udesk.cn/open_api_v1/agents?page=1&per_page=10&email=admin@udesk.cn×tamp=1494474404&sign=6892f1b794071c260e1b1eac15df588fc919c9e86eb742affaa742ad6c03cb52&nonce=2d931510-d99f-494a-8c67-87feb05e1594&sign_version=v2
"code": 1000,
"meta": {
"current_page": 1,
"total_pages": 1,
"total_count": 1
"agents": [
"id": 1,
"email": "agent1@sample.com",
"nick_name": "Test Customer Service 1",
"profile": "im",
"aliase": null,
"cellphone": "13300000001",
"role_name": "agent",
"duty": null,
"im_ability_value": 10,
"user_group_ids": [1,2],
"number": "100000000",
"password": "xxxxxxxx",
"avatar": null,
"work_id": "",
"departments": [
"id": 1,
"name": "demo"
"agent_callout_display_number": "10000000000",
"disable_status": "enable",
"availability": true,
"im_welcomes": null,
"lang": null
Get Customer Service Details
This interface is used to obtain customer service information under specified conditions.
Request Method
GET /agents/get_agent
Request Parameters (Query String)
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description | Restrictions |
type | string | Yes | Condition type, see below for details | |
content | string | Yes | Condition content |
Condition Type
Value | Corresponding content meaning |
id | Customer service ID |
Customer service email |
Returned Data
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
code | int | Execution result code, 1000 means success |
agent | object | Customer service information |
Customer Service Data
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
id | int | Unique identifier |
string | Email address | |
nick_name | string | Name |
profile | string | Employee type |
aliase | string | External nickname |
cellphone | string | Mobile phone number |
role_name | string | Role |
duty | string | Employee position |
user_group_ids | array | List of customer service group IDs |
im_ability_value | int | Conversation skill value |
work_id | string | Job number |
disable_status | string | Enable or disable status (enable/disable) |
availability | boolean | Whether to accept automatic work order distribution |
password | string | Call center SIP account information |
number | string | Call center SIP account information |
avatar | string | Avatar |
departments | object | Department to which it belongs |
agent_callout_display_number | string | Outbound display number |
im_welcomes | string | Welcome message |
lang | string | Language preference |
user_groups | array | Information of the customer service group to which it belongs, see example |
agent_roles | array | Information of the role to which it belongs, see example |
curl https://demo.udesk.cn/open_api_v1/agents/get_agent?email=admin@udesk.cn×tamp=1494474404&sign=6892f1b794071c260e1b1eac15df588fc919c9e86eb742affaa742ad6c03cb52&nonce=2d931510-d99f-494a-8c67-87feb05e1594&sign_version=v2
"code": 1000,
"agent": {
"id": 1,
"email": "agent1@sample.com",
"nick_name": "Test Customer Service 1",
"profile": "im",
"aliase": null,
"cellphone": "13300000001",
"role_name": "agent",
"duty": null,
"user_group_ids": [1,2],
"im_ability_value": 10,
"work_id": "123",
"disable_status": "enable",
"availability": true,
"number": "100000000",
"password": "xxxxxxxx",
"avatar": null,
"lang": "zh-cn",
"im_welcomes": null,
"user_groups": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Test Group"
"agent_roles": [
"id": 11,
"name": "Customer Service"
"departments": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Customer Service Group 1"
"agent_callout_display_number": "100000000"
Create Customer Service
This interface is used to create customer service.
Request Method
POST /agents
Request Parameters (request body)
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description | Restrictions |
agent | object | Yes | Customer service information, see below | |
Structure of agent |
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description | Restrictions | Default Value |
string | Yes | Email address, used as account | Not more than 255 characters | ||
password | string | Yes | Password | Not more than 255 characters | |
agent_role_ids | array | Yes | Role ID, comma-separated numbers, maximum length of array is 10 | ||
user_group_ids | array | Yes | Employee group ID, comma-separated numbers, maximum length of array is 10 | ||
department_ids | array | Yes | Department ID, comma-separated numbers, maximum length of array is 10 | ||
im_ability_value | int | Yes | Conversation skill value | ||
nick_name | string | No | Name | Not more than 255 characters | null |
aliase | string | No | Nickname | Not more than 255 characters | null |
cellphone | string | No | Phone number | Not more than 255 characters | null |
profile | string | No | Employee type | Not more than 255 characters | im |
duty | string | No | Position | Not more than 255 characters | null |
im_welcomes | string | No | Welcome message | null | |
availability | boolean | No | Whether to accept automatic work order distribution | true | |
avatar | string | No | Avatar URL | null | |
work_id | string | No | Job number | null | |
callout_number_id | int | No | Outbound display number ID | null | |
lang | string | No | Language preference | null | |
Note: |
- The value of agent_role_ids can be obtained in the role list, and non-company agent_role_id will be removed in the request.
- The value of user_group_ids can be obtained in the customer service group list, and non-company user_group_id will be removed in the request.
- The value of department_ids can be obtained in the department list, and non-company department_id will be removed in the request.
- The value of callout_number_id can be obtained in the call center interface-Get call center trunk number list.
Returned Data
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
code | int | Execution result code, 1000 means success |
agent_id | int | ID of the newly created customer service |
curl https://demo.udesk.cn/open_api_v1/agents?email=admin@udesk.cn×tamp=1494474404&sign=6892f1b794071c260e1b1eac15df588fc919c9e86eb742affaa742ad6c03cb52&nonce=2d931510-d99f-494a-8c67-87feb05e1594&sign_version=v2
-H 'content-type:application/json' \
-d '
"email": "agent_001@udesk.cn",
"password": "agent12345",
"nick_name": "agent_001",
"aliase": "agent_001",
"cellphone": "13123456789",
"profile": "all",
"agent_role_ids": [1,2],
"user_group_ids": [2],
"im_ability_value": 1,
"department_ids": [1,3],
"duty": "Department Manager",
"im_welcomes": "Welcome",
"availability": false,
"avatar": "http://attachments.gfan.com/forum/attachments2/201302/03/11281446n2st1its4152n5.jpg",
"lang": "en-us"
"code": 1000,
"agent_id": 1
Modify Customer Service Agent
This interface is used to modify the basic information of an existing customer service agent.
PUT agents/:id
Request Parameters (URL)
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description | Restrictions |
id | Integer | Yes | Customer service agent ID | |
with_disabled | String | No | Whether to include disabled agents |
Request Parameters (Request Body)
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description | Restrictions |
agent | Object | Yes | Customer service information, details below | |
Agent Structure |
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description | Restrictions |
String | No | Account | No more than 255 characters | |
password | String | No | Password | No more than 255 characters |
nick_name | String | No | Name | No more than 255 characters |
aliase | String | No | Nickname | No more than 255 characters |
cellphone | String | No | Phone number | No more than 255 characters |
profile | String | No | Employee type, details below | No more than 255 characters |
agent_role_ids | Array | No | Role IDs | |
user_group_ids | Array | No | Employee group IDs | |
im_ability_value | Integer | No | Chat skill value | |
department_ids | Array | No | Department IDs | |
duty | String | No | Position | No more than 255 characters |
im_welcomes | String | No | Welcome message | |
availability | Boolean | No | Whether to accept automatic ticket assignment | |
avatar | String | No | Avatar URL | |
work_id | String | No | Employee ID | |
disable_status | String | No | Enable or disable status | Enable or disable |
callout_number_id | Integer | No | Outbound calling display number ID | |
lang | String | No | Language preference | |
Note: Only modify the parameters provided in the request, do not modify what is not included. |
Response Data
Property Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | Execution result code, 1000 represents success |
agent | Object | Details below |
Agent Structure |
Property Name | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Customer service agent ID |
String | Account | |
nick_name | String | Name |
aliase | String | Nickname |
cellphone | String | Phone number |
profile | String | Employee type |
agent_roles | Array | Roles |
user_groups | Array | Employee groups |
im_ability_value | Integer | Chat skill value |
departments | Array | Departments |
duty | String | Position |
im_welcomes | String | Welcome message |
availability | Boolean | Whether to accept automatic ticket assignment |
avatar | String | Avatar URL |
lang | String | Language preference |
agent_callout_display_number | String | Outbound calling display number |
disable_status | String | Enable or disable status |
work_id | String | Employee ID |
number | String | IP phone number |
password | String | IP phone password |
curl https://demo.udesk.cn/open_api_v1/agents/1?email=admin@udesk.cn×tamp=1494474404&sign=6892f1b794071c260e1b1eac15df588fc919c9e86eb742affaa742ad6c03cb52&nonce=2d931510-d99f-494a-8c67-87feb05e1594&sign_version=v2 \
-X PUT \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-d '{
"email": "agent_0010@udesk.cn",
"nick_name": "agent_0010",
"aliase": "agent_0010",
"cellphone": "15834234893",
"profile": "all",
"work_id": null,
"disable_status": "enable",
"number": "97425540622337",
"password": "6ab7d5b8d8472241",
"agent_role_ids" :[1,4],
"user_group_ids" :[2],
"im_ability_value" : 1,
"department_ids" :[1,3],
"duty": "Department Manager",
"im_welcomes": "",
"availability": true,
"avatar": ""
"code": 1000,
"id": 1,
"email": "agent_0010@udesk.cn",
"nick_name": "agent_0010",
"aliase": "agent_0010",
"cellphone": "15834234893",
"profile": "all",
"agent_roles": [{"id":1,"name":"role 1"}, {"id":4,"name":"role 4"}],
"user_groups": [{"id":2,"name":"Agent Group 1"}],
"im_ability_value": 1,
"departments": [{"id":1,"name":"Department 1"}, {"id":3,"name":"Department 3"}],
"duty": "Department Manager",
"im_welcomes": "",
"availability": true,
"lang": "zh-cn",
"avatar": "",
"work_id": "1231",
"disable_status": "enable",
"number": "98151643491111",
"password": "23fece86b5841f17"
Delete Customer Service Agent
This interface is used to delete a specified customer service agent.
DELETE agents/:id
Request Parameters (URL)
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description | Restrictions |
id | Integer | Yes | Customer service agent ID |
Request Parameters (Request Body)
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description | Restrictions |
owner_group_id | Integer | Yes | Customer service group ID | |
owner_id | Integer | No | Customer service agent ID |
Note: After deleting a customer service agent, the customers responsible for by this agent will be transferred to another customer service group/agent. The provided owner_id must be within the owner_group_id. If no owner_group_id and owner_id are provided in the request, the responsible agent/group for the customers of this agent will be set to empty. If the owner_group_id is empty in the request, the responsible agent/group for the customers of this agent will be set to empty.
Response Data
Property Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | Execution result code, 1000 represents success |
message | String | Execution result description |
curl https://demo.udesk.cn/open_api_v1/agents/1?email=admin@udesk.cn×tamp=1494474404&sign=6892f1b794071c260e1b1eac15df588fc919c9e86eb742affaa742ad6c03cb52&nonce=2d931510-d99f-494a-8c67-87feb05e1594&sign_version=v2 \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
"code": 1000,
"message": "The customer service agent with ID 1 has been successfully deleted"
Get Role List
This interface is used to obtain the role list information under the current company.
Request Method
GET /agent_roles
Request Parameters
Response Data
Property Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | Execution result code, 1000 represents success |
agent_roles | Array | Details below |
agent_roles Structure |
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Role ID |
name | String | Role name |
description | String | Role description |
curl https://demo.udesk.cn/open_api_v1/agent_roles?email=admin@udesk.cn×tamp=1494474404&sign=6892f1b794071c260e1b1eac15df588fc919c9e86eb742affaa742ad6c03cb52&nonce=2d931510-d99f-494a-8c67-87feb05e1594&sign_version=v2 \
-X GET \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
"code": 1000,
"agent_roles": [
{"id": 1, "name": "Role 1", "description": ""},
{"id": 2, "name": "Role 2", "description": ""},
{"id": 3, "name": "Role 3", "description": ""}
Error Code Description
Error Code | Message Information | Exception:message Information | Description |
2000 | The resource does not exist, please check the input parameters | None | When a custom field is set as required, the parameter {custom_fields} is not filled in or does not meet the requirements |
XXX is required, XXX is required | None | Required parameter {XXX} is not filled in | |
The employee type cannot be assigned this permission | None | Parameter {profile} is not filled in | |
The email has been occupied | None | Parameter {email} is already in use | |
The callout_number_id value is invalid | None | Parameter {callout_number_id} is not within the valid range | |
The current type of employee has reached the limit | None | The number of customer service agents corresponding to parameter {profile} has reached the company's limit | |
Verification failed: the password must be different from the email address | None | Parameter {password} is the same as parameter {email} | |
The customer service agent has responsible customers and cannot be deleted | None | The agent specified by parameter {id} has responsible tickets and customers | |
Unknown error | param is missing or the value is empty: agent | Required parameter {agent} is not filled in | |
comparison of Fixnum with nil failed | The input parameter is out of range or the data was not found | ||
2005 | The resource does not exist, please check the input parameters | None | Parameters {type} and {content} did not match any data |
No such resource was found | None | The request parameter {id} is incorrect, no matching data was found | |
11006 | None | None | The employee IM is online, cannot be updated |
11007 | None | None | The employee has some IM sessions that are not closed, cannot be updated |