Monitoring Call Interface
This interface is used to invoke the display interface for querying overall monitoring call records.
Request Method
GET /monitor/app/record
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Description | Constraints |
AppId | Yes | String | Company identification code, passed in the request header |
Response Results, JSON
Attribute Name | Type | Description |
code | Integer | Execution result code 1000 # Represents success 14500 # Please activate the call center first 14501 # Please activate the intelligent routing first 14502 # Please activate the web callback function first 14503 # The caller number cannot be empty 14504 # The called number cannot be empty 14505 # The called number is not a relay number of the current company, please check the data |
message | String | Execution result description, such as "OK", error description corresponding to the code |
data | String | Data composed of JSON |
$ curl -X GET ''
Response Example
"code": "000000",
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"callin":20, // Number of incoming calls for the day
"toagent":40, // Number of transfers to an agent
"callin_answers":20, // Number of incoming calls answered, the number of calls that are selected to transfer to an agent and are answered by the agent
"Numberofcalling":30, // Number of people currently on a call
"Numberofinqueue":20, // Number of people currently in the queue
"callout":20, // Number of outgoing calls for the day
"calloutanswer":40, // Number of outgoing calls answered today, the number of calls answered by the user
"giveupinqueue":30, // Number of queue abandonment today
"giveupinivr":20, // Number of IVR abandonment today
"giveupinagent":45 // Number of agent abandonment today, the number of calls that are confirmed to be transferred to an agent and hang up during the wait for the agent to answer
This interface is used to invoke the display interface for querying overall monitoring agent status.
Request Method
GET /monitor/app/agent
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Description | Constraints |
AppId | Yes | String | Company identification code, passed in the request header |
$ curl -X GET ''
Response Results, JSON
"code": "000000",
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"fieldTitle":"Agent Status",
"sortable":null, //???
"isTitle":false, //???
"isShow":true //???
"fieldTitle":"Number of Agents in Each Status",
{"match_type_desc":"Idle Agent","match_type_count":"6","match_type_desc_original":"Idle Agent","match_type_count_original":6},
{"match_type_desc":"Agent in Call","match_type_count":"0","match_type_desc_original":"Agent in Call","match_type_count_original":0},
{"match_type_desc":"Agent in Wrap-up","match_type_count":"0","match_type_desc_original":"Agent in Wrap-up","match_type_count_original":0},
{"match_type_desc":"Busy Agent","match_type_count":"1","match_type_desc_original":"Busy Agent","match_type_count_original":1},
{"match_type_desc":"Short Break Agent","match_type_count":"0","match_type_desc_original":"Short Break Agent","match_type_count_original":0},
{"match_type_desc":"Offline Agent","match_type_count":"1","match_type_desc_original":"Offline Agent","match_type_count_original":1},
{"match_type_desc":"Custom Status Agent","match_type_count":"26","match_type_desc_original":"Custom Status Agent","match_type_count_original":26}
"info":{"title":"Agent Status","noConfig":false,"multilevelHeader":false}
Request Method
GET /monitor/app/trend
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Description | Constraints |
AppId | Yes | String | Company identification code, passed in the request header |
$ curl -X GET ''
Response Results, JSON
"code": "000000",
"message": "OK",
"data": {
{"fieldKey":"stat_at","fieldTitle":"Time","dataType":"", ///???
{"fieldKey":"callinumber","fieldTitle":"Incoming Calls","dataType":"integer","group":null,"expression":null,"sortable":null,"isTitle":false,"isShow":true
{"fieldKey":"transferagent","fieldTitle":"Transfers to Agent","dataType":"integer","group":null,"expression":null,"sortable":null,"isTitle":false,"isShow":true
{"fieldKey":"agentanswer","fieldTitle":"Agent Answers","dataType":"integer","group":null,"expression":null,"sortable":null,"isTitle":false,"isShow":true
"info":{"title":"Today's Call Trend","noConfig":false,"multilevelHeader":false}
This interface is used to invoke the display interface for querying queue monitoring.
Request Method
GET /monitor/queue
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Description | Constraints |
appid | Yes | String | Company identification code, passed in the request header | |
queuename | Optional | String | Fuzzy specify queue |
Response Results, JSON
"ErrCode": "000000",
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"queuees": [
"queueid": 454,
"queuename": "Transfer to Agent Queue",
"idleagent": 20, //Number of idle agents at this moment
"callingagent": 20, //Agents in a call
"wrapagent": 30, //Agents in wrap-up
"busyagent": 12, //Agents who are busy
"restagent": 13, //Agents on a short break
"offlineagent": 50, //Number of offline agents
"otherstateagent":60, //Agents in a custom status
"inqueueuser":20, //Number of users currently in the queue
"thequeueanswers":3456, //Total number of calls answered in the queue today
"thequeuenotanswers":230, //Total number of unanswered calls in the queue today
"thequeuecallouts":2309 //Total number of calls made by the queue today
"queueid": 567,
"queuename": "Transfer to Agent",
"idleagent": 20, //Number of idle agents at this moment
"callingagent": 20, //Agents in a call
"wrapagent": 30, //Agents in wrap-up
"busyagent": 12, //Agents who are busy
"restagent": 13, //Agents on a short break
"offlineagent": 50, //Number of offline agents
"otherstateagent":60, //Agents in a custom status
"inqueueuser":20, //Number of users currently in the queue
"thequeueanswers":3456, //Total number of calls answered in the queue today
"thequeuenotanswers":230, //Total number of unanswered calls in the queue today
"thequeuecallouts":2309 //Total number of calls made by the queue today
This interface is used to invoke the display interface for querying agent monitoring.
Request Method
GET /monitor/agents
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Description | Constraints |
appid | Yes | String | Company identification code, passed in the request header | |
queueid | Yes | String | Specify the queue details to display | |
page_size | Yes | String | Specify the number of items to display per page | |
page_num | Yes | String | Specify the page number |
Response Results, JSON
"ErrCode": "000000",
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"agents": [
"agentid": 454, //Agent ID
"workid":345, //Employee ID
"agentname":"Lu Fei",
"devicestate": 1 , //Device state enumeration value 1, 2, 3, representing web, tel, softsip, to be determined
"registernum":"13976553387", //Sign-in phone number, mobile mode phone number or softphone mode desk number
"agentstate":2 , //Same as above, idle, short break, busy, etc.
"keeptimeatstate":356, //Duration in the current state, in seconds
"idelstatecount":4545, //Total idle state duration for the day
"talkingtimecount":456, //Total talking state duration for the day
"busytimecount":3456, //Total busy state duration for the day
"resttimecount":567, //Total break state duration
"othertiecount":563, //Total duration in other states
"answertelnum":345, //Total number of answered calls for the day
"noanswertelnum":34, //Total number of unanswered calls for the day
"calloutnum":456, //Total number of outgoing calls for the day
"calloutanswer":344 //Total number of outgoing calls answered for the day
"agentid": 454, //Agent ID
"workid":345, //Employee ID
"agentname":"Lu Fei",
"devicestate": 1 , //Device state enumeration value 1, 2, 3, representing web, tel, softsip, to be determined
"registernum":"13976553387", //Sign-in phone number, mobile mode phone number or softphone mode desk number
"agentstate":2 , //Same as above, idle, short break, busy, etc.
"keeptimeatstate":356, //Duration in the current state, in seconds
"idelstatecount":4545, //Total idle state duration for the day
"talkingtimecount":456, //Total talking state duration for the day
"busytimecount":3456, //Total busy state duration for the day
"resttimecount":567, //Total break state duration
"othertiecount":563, //Total duration in other states
"answertelnum":345, //Total number of answered calls for the day
"noanswertelnum":34, //Total number of unanswered calls for the day
"calloutnum":456, //Total number of outgoing calls for the day
"calloutanswer":344 //Total number of outgoing calls answered for the day
"page_size":2, //Page size
"page_num":45, //Page number
"total":4545 //Total number of items
This interface is used to invoke the display interface for querying queue monitoring details (Phase II).
Request Method
GET /monitor/queue/\{QueueId\}
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Description | Constraints |
appid | Yes | String | Company identification code, passed in the request header |
Response Results, JSON
"ErrCode": "000000",
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"queueid": 454,
"queuename": "Transfer to Agent Queue",
"idleagent": 20, //Number of idle agents at this moment
"callingagent": 20, //Agents in a call
"wrapagent": 30, //Agents in wrap-up
"busyagent": 12, //Agents who are busy
"restagent": 13, //Agents on a short break
"offlineagent": 50, //Number of offline agents
"otherstateagent":60, //Agents in a custom status
"thequeueanswers":3456, //Total number of calls answered in the queue today
"thequeuenotanswers":230, //Total number of unanswered calls in the queue today
"thequeuecallouts":2309, //Total number of calls made by the queue today
"thequeuecallin":345, //Total number of incoming calls to the queue today
"toagent":456, //Transfers to agent
"agentanswer":567, //Number of successful queues
"giveupinqueue":4546, //Number of queue abandonments
"queuering":4545, //Number of ring-ins
"callinanswers":565, //Number of incoming calls answered
"callout":456, //Total number of outgoing calls
"calloutanswer": 456, //Total number of outgoing calls answered
"calloutnoanswer":345, //Total number of outgoing calls unanswered
"thecallinanswerrate":57.45, //Rate of incoming call answering
"thecalloutanswerrate":46.90, //Rate of outgoing call answering
"avgwaittime":23, //Average waiting time
"maxwaittime":46, //Maximum waiting time
"intimezoneanswer":345, //Number of connections within N seconds
"outtimezoneanswer":345 //Number of connections outside N seconds
This interface is used to invoke the display interface for querying queue details. The current queue of waiting calls does not meet the interface requirements of Phase II (BI).
Request Method
GET /monitor/queue/listuser
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Description | Constraints |
appid | Yes | String | Company identification code, passed in the request header | |
queueid | Yes | String | Specify the queue details to display | |
page_size | Yes | String | Specify the number of items to display per page | |
page_num | Yes | String | Specify the page number |
Response Results, JSON
"ErrCode": "000000",
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"telnumber":"13722844839", //Phone number
"starttime":1546422950936, //Start waiting time
"waittime":120 //Waiting time, in seconds
"telnumber":"13722844839", //Phone number
"starttime":1546422950936, //Start waiting time
"waittime":120 //Waiting time, in seconds
"page_size":2, //Page size
"page_num":1, //Page number
"total":4545 //Total number of items
This interface is used to invoke the display interface for querying queue details. It displays the current queue of abandoned calls (Phase II).
Request Method
GET /monitor/queue/giveupuser
Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Description | Constraints |
appid | Yes | String | Company identification code, passed in the request header | |
queueid | Yes | String | Specify the queue details to display | |
page_size | Yes | String | Specify the number of items to display per page | |
page_num | Yes | String | Specify the page number |
Response Results, JSON
"ErrCode": "000000",
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"telnumber":"13722844839", //Phone number
"starttime":1546422950936, //Waiting time
"waittime":120, //Waiting time, in seconds
"giveuptime":1546422960936 //Time of giving up, in milliseconds
"telnumber":"13722844839", //Phone number
"starttime":1546422950936, //Abandon time
"waittime":120, //Waiting time in seconds
"giveuptime":1546422960936 //Time of giving up, in milliseconds
] ,
"page_size":2, //Page size
"page_num":1, //Page number
"total":4545 //Total number of items
This interface is used to invoke the display interface for querying queue details. It displays the current queue of abandoned calls (Phase II).