

Parameter NameTypeValueRequiredDescription
nameStringYesName of the product
urlStringNoRedirect link for the product (opens in a new page). If empty, link cannot be clicked
imgUrlStringNoImage URL of the product. If empty, image will not be displayed
paramsObjectNoParameter list for the product
params.textStringNoParameter text
params.colorStringNoColor value of the parameter in hexadecimal format (e.g., #ff0000)
params.foldBooleanNoWhether the text should be bold
params.breakBooleanNoWhether to break the line
params.sizeNumberDefault 12NoFont size


    type: "product",
    data: {
        content: {
            name: "Apple iPhone X (A1903) 64GB Space Gray Mobile Unicom 4G Phone",
            url: "https://item.jd.com/6748052.html",
            imgUrl: "http://img12.360buyimg.com/n1/s450x450_jfs/t10675/253/1344769770/66891/92d54ca4/59df2e7fN86c99a27.jpg",
            params: [{
                text: "¥6999.00",
                color: "#FF0000",
                fold: false,
                break: false,
                size: 12
                text: "Additional ¥30 for orders over ¥1999"